Reinvention Isn’t Optional - It’s Necessary

The Safety Mindset Newsletter



Colonel Sanders started KFC at 62.

Laura Ingalls Wilder didn’t write her first novel until 65.

Nelson Mandela became President of South Africa at 75.

These stories aren’t about overnight success - they’re about persistence, belief, and the willingness to break free from comfort when the world tells you it's too late.

I get often asked: “Megan, how do you keep reinventing yourself?” And the answer is simple: I don’t allow myself to stay comfortable for too long. Comfort can be the slowest way to kill your potential.

Here’s the truth no one talks about:
If you’re waiting for a perfect time to reinvent yourself, it will never come. Your comfort zone will whisper lies about security, stability, and waiting for the right moment. But those lies keep you stuck. I know because I’ve been there.

My Journey to Reinvention

When I started out, I was an entry-level health and safety inspector, and believe me, I thought that was it. A secure job, a steady paycheck, and a clear career path. I convinced myself I was content.

But that feeling of restlessness crept in. Every new position, whether as an industrial hygienist in the mining industry or my pivot to academia, felt like I was scratching the surface of what I could be but never digging deeper. There was always this nagging sense that something bigger was waiting. But here's the catch - it was waiting for me to act.

It wasn’t until I took bold steps out of my comfort zone that everything changed.

That’s when I realized: “If you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not growing.”

Why You Need to Take Action Right Now

So many people think patience means waiting for the perfect moment, but patience without action is just another form of procrastination.

Here’s the difference: Patience is knowing the big change you’re after won’t happen overnight, but it requires daily steps to get there. Every day you take intentional action, even if it's small, you create momentum.

What action have you been putting off because it feels uncomfortable?
What new dream or goal have you buried because it feels "too late"?

Start today. Because waiting for the stars to align or for someone else to give you permission will keep you in the same spot next year, the year after, and the year after that.

5 Things I’ve Learned from Constant Reinvention:

  1. Discomfort Means You’re Doing It Right
    Growth always feels awkward. If it doesn’t feel a little scary, you’re not pushing far enough.
  2. Waiting Won’t Make It Easier
    There is no “right time” to make a big move. The best time is now. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes.
  3. Start Before You’re Ready
    You don’t need all the answers before you begin. Clarity comes with action. Each step forward shows you more of the path.
  4. Success Looks Different for Everyone
    Don’t measure your journey against anyone else’s. Your version of success is yours to define.
  5. It’s Never Too Late
    I’m living proof that it’s never too late to reinvent yourself. Your best years aren’t behind you—they’re in front of you.

What’s Next for You?

If this resonates with you, I want you to take that bold step toward your own reinvention. Maybe that means rethinking your career, or perhaps it's about leading in a way that aligns with your deeper purpose.

Here are some ways I can help you get there:

🔹 1:1 Coaching:
If you're ready for real transformation, my coaching program is here to help you break through your limitations and create a career you’re genuinely proud of. Schedule a discovery call.

🔹 Design Your Brilliant Future:
This program is for the bold ones ready to define and chase their vision. It’s not just about career planning but about reshaping your professional trajectory with purpose and intention. Join here.

🔹 Join me at Safety Connect on October 9th:
I'll be delivering a keynote on why purpose-driven leadership is the key to unlocking both personal and organizational success. If you’re ready to stop coasting and start making a real impact, you don’t want to miss it. Register for Safety Connect.

Reinvention doesn’t happen in a single leap. It’s a series of small but intentional steps. And here’s the best part: You already have everything you need to start.

Until next time, keep challenging your comfort zone.


Megan Tranter

Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

  1. Safety is Second Nature: My flagship 10-week mastermind to elevate your career and maximize your impact. Achieving your career goals is going to require more than just technical skills. You must master influencing people, driving change, strategic planning, and engaging with leadership. Our program helps you do just that. Join the waitlist here.
  2. Design Your Brilliant Future: Imagine waking up every morning pumped for the day ahead because you're doing what you love. Designed for safety professionals, by safety professionals. You'll create a clear path to find what truly matters to you and chart the next steps to your brilliant career. Join here.
  3. 1:1 Coaching: Skyrocket your goals with personalized coaching. You choose when and for how long. I'll share everything I've learned about progressing a career in Safety, Sustainability, and Risk Management, how to make an impact, and how to add value. The same strategies helped me rise from an entry-level safety job to top roles in multiple Fortune 25 companies.
  4. Consulting + Speaking: Book me for a keynote, workshop, or to facilitate a discussion at your company meeting. I offer strategic consulting for companies wanting to increase their impact and drive real change from someone who has done it before.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Megan Tranter LLC

I’m an Operator, Strategist, Innovator, and Global Leader. I've rolled up my sleeves at some of the biggest names out there (think Amazon, Netflix, PepsiCo) in top Safety, Sustainability, and Risk Management roles. I’m here to help you tackle your toughest safety challenges and empower Safety Professionals to elevate their careers, no matter where you’re starting from. Expect real advice, insights, and honesty (the highs and the lows) from someone who’s been in the boardroom and out in the field.

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