Inspire Courage in Safety Leadership

The Safety Mindset Newsletter

23 July 2024

Issue #5: Inspire Courage in Safety Leadership

Read Time: 3 minutes.

As many of you know, I’m knee-deep in setting up my new business.

It has been a rollercoaster of doubts, uncertainties, and, yes, quite a few sleepless nights. But as I navigate this wild ride, I’m constantly reminded of the deep connection between vulnerability, courage, and our roles as safety leaders.

Being a safety professional isn’t just about compliance and regulations.

It’s about leading with courage and curiosity, even when the road ahead is unclear.

Just like I’m sharing my entrepreneurial journey with all its ups and downs, you’re facing the daily challenge of stepping into the unknown and making tough decisions that impact the lives and well-being of many.

So, in this newsletter, I encourage you to consider using vulnerability and courage to supercharge your career in safety. Use it to your best advantage and thrive.

Vulnerability is Strength

It’s easy to see vulnerability as a weakness, but it’s actually one of our greatest strengths.

Admitting that we don’t have all the answers opens the door to learning and growth. It creates an environment where team members feel safe to share their ideas and concerns, fostering a culture of trust and collaboration.

We inspire others to do the same when we show our true selves with all our imperfections.

Modern thought leaders like Adam Grant, with his book Think Again, emphasize the importance of rethinking and unlearning. Grant’s insights remind us that embracing vulnerability allows us to question our assumptions and adapt to new information, making us more effective leaders.

Courage in Action

Courage isn’t the absence of fear but the willingness to act despite it.

As safety leaders, we often have to make decisions without all the data, challenge the status quo, and advocate for safety improvements that might not be popular. This requires a deep sense of conviction and the bravery to stand by our principles.

Think about the last time you had to make a tough call or stand up for what was right in your organization.

How did it feel?

Scary, right?

But also empowering.

Courageous leadership involves taking these bold steps, knowing that the impact of our decisions can lead to a safer workplace.

Some of the most impactful days in my career as the top EHS leader of Fortune 25 companies were when I stood up for what I believed was right. I remember having sweaty hands and a shaking voice. But I knew, in my heart and mind, that I had to do it.

You’re never wrong to do the right thing.

Curiosity Fuels Innovation

Curiosity is the engine that drives us forward.

In the ever-evolving field of safety, staying curious means continually seeking new knowledge, asking questions, and exploring different perspectives.

It’s about being open to change and experimenting with new approaches.

What intrigues me lately is how many people continue to debate the definition of “safety". I even discussed this in a recent post I published on LinkedIn.

Maybe you ask:

“Why does it even matter? Get on with it.”

But perhaps there’s a different way to think about it.

In his latest book, How Design Makes the World, Scott Berkun explores how curiosity and design thinking can lead to innovative solutions. His insights encourage us to look at problems differently and understand that good design goes beyond looks: it impacts the human experience.

Interesting, right?

So, What’s Next?

This week, I challenge you to reflect on how you can bring more courage and curiosity into your leadership. What areas of your safety program could benefit from a fresh perspective? How can you foster a culture where vulnerability is seen as a strength?

I invite you to share your thoughts and stories with me. You can always email me at or DM me on LinkedIn.

There’s a real person at the end of the email and the DM (yes, it’s me).

Let’s learn and grow together, supporting each other as we navigate the challenges and triumphs of being courageous safety leaders.

Until next week,


P.S. I know I said I was coming out of Stealth Mode on July 21st. And if you’ve reached the bottom of this newsletter, you know that July 21st has come and gone. I’ve had some imposter syndrome the last few days, and if I'm being vulnerable with you, I've had a case of the wobbles.

So, I’m now planning to announce it on July 26th. In the meantime, if you scroll down a bit, you can see what I’ve been working on.

It’s your little sneak peek for you.

Megan Tranter

Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

  1. Safety is Second Nature: My flagship 10-week mastermind to elevate your career and maximize your impact. Achieving your career goals is going to require more than just technical skills. You must master influencing people, driving change, strategic planning, and engaging with leadership. Our program helps you do just that. Join the waitlist here.
  2. Design Your Brilliant Future: Imagine waking up every morning pumped for the day ahead because you're doing what you love. Designed for safety professionals, by safety professionals. You'll create a clear path to find what truly matters to you and chart the next steps to your brilliant career. Join the waitlist here.
  3. 1:1 Coaching: Skyrocket your goals with personalized coaching. You choose when and for how long. I'll share everything I've learned about progressing a career in Safety, Sustainability, and Risk Management, how to make an impact, and how to add value. The same strategies helped me rise from an entry-level safety job to top roles in multiple Fortune 25 companies.
  4. Consulting + Speaking: Book me for a keynote, workshop, or to facilitate a discussion at your company meeting. I offer strategic consulting for companies wanting to increase their impact and drive real change from someone who has done it before.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Megan Tranter LLC

I’m an Operator, Strategist, Innovator, and Global Leader. I've rolled up my sleeves at some of the biggest names out there (think Amazon, Netflix, PepsiCo) in top Safety, Sustainability, and Risk Management roles. I’m here to help you tackle your toughest safety challenges and empower Safety Professionals to elevate their careers, no matter where you’re starting from. Expect real advice, insights, and honesty (the highs and the lows) from someone who’s been in the boardroom and out in the field.

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