Skyrocket Your Career - The Secret's in Your Hands

The Safety Mindset Newsletter



Think career success is all about skills? Think again.

Let’s set the scene.

You’ve mastered your craft, sharpened your technical skills, and built an impressive resume. But something’s missing. You’re not advancing as quickly as you’d like or feel stuck on the career ladder.

Sound familiar?

This is where social capital and self-management come into play.

It’s time to shift the way we think about career success. And if the thought of networking more or putting yourself out there makes your stomach churn (I get it, trust me), don’t worry. There are different ways to build social capital beyond the usual schmoozing and networking events.

So, let’s dive into some key insights from recent research and explore how these factors can make a real difference in your career trajectory.

Objective vs. Subjective Career Success

Ever get that promotion but still feel unfulfilled? That’s because career success isn’t just about the title or paycheck (objective). It’s also about how satisfied you feel (subjective).

Balancing your achievements with personal fulfillment is crucial. Don’t just chase shiny promotions. Make sure they align with your deeper sense of happiness and purpose.

The Real Game-Changers: Social Capital and Self-Management

Here’s the truth.

Your network and how you manage your career are just as important as your skills. Social capital (who you know and how you connect) can open doors that skills alone might not. And career self-management is all about being proactive, setting your own path, and steering your career like a true leader.

Start thinking about how you can expand your network and take charge of your career development.

Gender and Career Equality: Still Work to Be Done

We’ve made progress, but the journey toward true career equality is far from over.

Women and marginalized groups still face unique challenges in the workplace.

It’s not just about equality - it’s about equity, ensuring everyone has the resources and opportunities to succeed.

Let’s continue pushing for a workplace where everyone can thrive, regardless of gender or background.

Embracing Career Shocks: Turning Setbacks into Opportunities

Unexpected career events can feel like roadblocks, but they can also be opportunities in disguise.

These moments, known as career shocks, can shake things up in a good way ... if you’re open to it. Instead of fearing the unexpected, embrace it and use it as a catalyst for growth and change.

Sustainable Careers: The Long Game

Career success isn’t a sprint.

It’s a marathon.

It’s about maintaining a balance between work, happiness, and health over the long haul. Focus on sustainable success by setting long-term goals and ensuring your well-being is a priority.

After all, what’s the point of success if you’re not around to enjoy it?

What’s Your Next Move?

Take a moment to reflect on where you are and where you want to be.

Is your career strategy aligned with your personal goals?

Maybe it’s time to make a shift.

Remember, you have the power to shape your own journey.

I’m here to support you every step of the way. Drop me a line at or connect with me on LinkedIn.

I’d love to hear how you’re navigating your career challenges and celebrating your wins.

Until next time, keep pushing forward with purpose.


One More Thing ...

My Design Your Brilliant Future community and course open on August 15th (exciting!).

I'm over the moon to be launching a community that supports ambitious safety professionals who want to transform their careers and drive positive change in their lives and work.

It would mean the world to me if you would share the news with your networks. You could:

  • Forward this email
  • Repost this LinkedIn announcement
  • Share this link to the Design Your Brilliant Future sign-up page.

Megan Tranter

Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

  1. Safety is Second Nature: My flagship 10-week mastermind to elevate your career and maximize your impact. Achieving your career goals is going to require more than just technical skills. You must master influencing people, driving change, strategic planning, and engaging with leadership. Our program helps you do just that. Join the waitlist here.
  2. Design Your Brilliant Future: Imagine waking up every morning pumped for the day ahead because you're doing what you love. Designed for safety professionals, by safety professionals. You'll create a clear path to find what truly matters to you and chart the next steps to your brilliant career. Join the waitlist here.
  3. 1:1 Coaching: Skyrocket your goals with personalized coaching. You choose when and for how long. I'll share everything I've learned about progressing a career in Safety, Sustainability, and Risk Management, how to make an impact, and how to add value. The same strategies helped me rise from an entry-level safety job to top roles in multiple Fortune 25 companies.
  4. Consulting + Speaking: Book me for a keynote, workshop, or to facilitate a discussion at your company meeting. I offer strategic consulting for companies wanting to increase their impact and drive real change from someone who has done it before.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Megan Tranter LLC

I’m an Operator, Strategist, Innovator, and Global Leader. I've rolled up my sleeves at some of the biggest names out there (think Amazon, Netflix, PepsiCo) in top Safety, Sustainability, and Risk Management roles. I’m here to help you tackle your toughest safety challenges and empower Safety Professionals to elevate their careers, no matter where you’re starting from. Expect real advice, insights, and honesty (the highs and the lows) from someone who’s been in the boardroom and out in the field.

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