
Megan Tranter LLC

I’m an Operator, Strategist, Innovator, and Global Leader. I've rolled up my sleeves at some of the biggest names out there (think Amazon, Netflix, PepsiCo) in top Safety, Sustainability, and Risk Management roles. I’m here to help you tackle your toughest safety challenges and empower Safety Professionals to elevate their careers, no matter where you’re starting from. Expect real advice, insights, and honesty (the highs and the lows) from someone who’s been in the boardroom and out in the field.

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Endings and New Beginnings

The Safety Mindset Newsletter ISSUE 14 8 OCTOBER 2024 | READ ONLINE Hi Reader, It’s been a week full of reflection, gratitude, and a little bit of awe. I just turned 52, and while part of me wonders how time flies so quickly, another part feels like I’m standing on the edge of something completely new. Birthdays have a way of stirring up these thoughts, don’t they? Over the years, I’ve learned that age is less about the numbers and more about the stories we carry. This past year was a big one...

The Safety Mindset Newsletter ISSUE 13 1 OCTOBER 2024 | READ ONLINE Colonel Sanders started KFC at 62. Laura Ingalls Wilder didn’t write her first novel until 65. Nelson Mandela became President of South Africa at 75. These stories aren’t about overnight success - they’re about persistence, belief, and the willingness to break free from comfort when the world tells you it's too late. I get often asked: “Megan, how do you keep reinventing yourself?” And the answer is simple: I don’t allow...

The Safety Mindset Newsletter ISSUE 12 10 September 2024 | READ ONLINE I want you to remember one thing: if you’re not pursuing your purpose, you’re setting yourself up to wander aimlessly. Early in my career, I had no idea what I wanted to be or do. My first job was as an entry-level government health and safety inspector. Then, I worked as an industrial hygienist in the mining industry before an opportunity led me to academia. I bounced around, trying different things. I had no concrete...

The Safety Mindset Newsletter ISSUE 11 3 September 2024 | READ ONLINE Hey Reader, Ever felt like you're stuck in a loop where every day feels like a carbon copy of the last? You’re doing everything right, ticking all the boxes, but something’s missing. You’re keeping the wheels turning, but are you driving forward? If that resonates, it’s time to consider something radical - a bold move that breaks you out of that cycle and propels you into new territory. Let me tell you - those moments when...

The Safety Mindset Newsletter ISSUE 10 27 August 2024 | READ ONLINE Hi there, When was the last time you truly reflected on a failure? Not just brushed it off but really dug deep into what went wrong and why. Tony Robbins once said, “When people succeed, they tend to party, but when they fail, they tend to ponder.” This quote has guided my journey as a safety leader and now as CEO and Founder. Success is a moment to celebrate, but true growth happens through failure - and the deep reflection...

The Safety Mindset Newsletter ISSUE 9 20 August 2024 | READ ONLINE Hey Reader, What if I told you that you could transform your impact, influence, and career trajectory in just 81 days? It’s not a fantasy. It’s a reality I’ve lived, and I want to show you how to do it. A year ago, my LinkedIn impressions were barely a whisper. Today, they’re a roar. Up 78,027%. This wasn’t luck or a fluke. It was the power of consistency. Consistency Changed Everything We often search for the big,...

The Safety Mindset Newsletter ISSUE 8 13 AUGUST 2024 | READ ONLINE Think career success is all about skills? Think again. Let’s set the scene. You’ve mastered your craft, sharpened your technical skills, and built an impressive resume. But something’s missing. You’re not advancing as quickly as you’d like or feel stuck on the career ladder. Sound familiar? This is where social capital and self-management come into play. It’s time to shift the way we think about career success. And if the...

The Safety Mindset Newsletter ISSUE 7 6 August 2024 | READ ONLINE Picture this. You’re ready to implement an exciting new safety initiative, but your team is bogged down by routine. Or you’re navigating a crisis, but your collaborative method just isn’t cutting it. Frustrating, isn’t it? These situations highlight how an inflexible leadership approach can leave you and your team at risk, affecting safety results and your leadership credibility. So, how can you become a more adaptable and...

The Safety Mindset Newsletter 30 July 2024 Issue #6: Can I Ask You a Favor? View on the web → Read Time: 3 minutes. Imagine this scenario. You’re facing a challenging project or a complex safety issue and need insights or assistance. At these moments, the simple question, “Can I ask you a favor?” becomes a powerful tool. This week, I want to explore why this phrase is so impactful and how you can harness it to enhance your safety career and leadership. The Psychology of Asking for a Favor...

The Safety Mindset Newsletter 23 July 2024 Issue #5: Inspire Courage in Safety Leadership View on the web → Read Time: 3 minutes. As many of you know, I’m knee-deep in setting up my new business. It has been a rollercoaster of doubts, uncertainties, and, yes, quite a few sleepless nights. But as I navigate this wild ride, I’m constantly reminded of the deep connection between vulnerability, courage, and our roles as safety leaders. Being a safety professional isn’t just about compliance and...